False Albacore -

False Albacore – “The Green Angles”

Call them false albacore, little tunny, fat albert, albies, funny fish, or as New Englanders refer to them, “Apple Knockers.” But don’t confuse them with bonito and bring them home to eat.

These amazing game fish are members of the tuna clan and can reach speeds of up to 40 miles per hour.  This slide presentation will give you a close up look at six distinct albies that put on a show for me as they fed in one area for over an hour.  They allowed me to take hundreds of pictures and 36 minutes of awesome video.


 Another hunting party, this time it’s dolphin following yellowfin tuna 20 miles off the coast of Costa Rica .

a pod of six dolphins in the clear blue water off the coast of Costa Rica

Another pod of six on the hunt — only this time it's mammals.
