Category : Commercial

Early squid?

Longfin inshore squid (Loligo pealeii)

Will the Longfin inshore squid (Loligo pealeii) spawn early?

I’ll be diving this week to see if I can find the first wave of squid to invade Narragansett Bay for the 2012 squid spawn.

profile picture of a longfin squid

profile picture of a longfin squid

Last year was a mad rush for these valuable eatables, with draggers from all over—some of staggering proportions and horsepower—pummeling the south shore beaches relentlessly, April into July.


two extremely different colored squid

two extremely different colored squid

Squid landings amounted to six times the volume of lobster that crossed the Ocean State docks last season, but both generated roughly the same revenue: $12.4 million.

pink and pearl colored squid

pink and pearl colored squid

By some estimates, Rhode Island’s commercial fleet produces the largest volume of domestic squid landings on the Eastern Seaboard (some would suggest that Cape May, NJ comes close). Pretty impressive for what once was an underutilized resource (a kiss-of-death designation that generally transitions—at a breakneck clip—to “fully exploited” and soon thereafter to “crashed” or “collapsed”).

squid blows jet of water into the sand

squid blows jet of water into the sand

squid eating blueback herring

squid eating blueback herring

squid lined up in a row

squid lined up in a row

macro shot of a squid eye

macro shot of a squid eye

Point Judith is now the Loligo squid capital of the Eastern Seaboard—its product regarded as among the world’s finest, and in constant high demand, particularly in southern European and Asian markets.

For what it’s worth, the old exit sign off Route 1 to Galilee once designated the port the
“Tuna Capital of the World.”

Galilee Tuna Capital of the World

Galilee was home to the Atlantic Tuna Tournament and even Frank Mundus would weigh in a fish or two.

Returning Herring

Snow forecasted  for this afternoon.  I wonder where these river herring are right now?  I will project that the first river herring will be seen the second week of March at Gilbert Stuarts birthplace and museum.

Let’s hope for lots of sand eels this season.

Sand Lance


There are two species of sand lance recognized as living on the east coast of North America: an inshore and offshore species.  They have been spawning along their range since November and spawning will continue through March.



A scool of sand lance or sand eels swim by

A scool of sand lance or sand eels are important baitfish for stripers and other game fish

In recent years this has become a significant biomass component on the Atlantic coast of North Atlantic.  Cod, haddock, striped bass and many other important commercial and recreational fish depend on these snakelike fish, commonly referred to as sand eels.  They also help sustain whales and sea birds.


Fall color and still water

Fall color and still water

When will the river herring return to Bissel Cove this year? This photo was taken during an early morning outing last fall.  This area has a very steady flow of water and it didn’t freeze up very much this past winter. The big question is when will the herring first show up this year?  How [...]
